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06 December 2009

Isn't Sunday a Day of Rest...?

So I knew things were going to be bad when I woke up late for work this morning.  I was able to grab a pair of clean scrubs and run out the door.  All I could think about was getting sign out from the night team and heading downstairs to get a cup of coffee.  Little did I know...  I rushed to get to work quickly.  Made it in the door just at 0700, change of shift.  Before I even had a chance to take off my coat, the senior from the night shift told me that there were three victims from a house fire coming in;  one was a child and unresponsive and the other was an adult in respiratory distress.
I quickly took off my outer coat, grabbed my lab coat and stethoscope, figured out who my junior resident was going to be and got ready.  We got the adult patient first.  They were not responding coherently, so the decision was made to put a breathing tube in.  I left my junior resident to handle that while I took off to the next room as the child was being brought in.

She was brought in barely conscious but breathing.  She had soot around her nose, and we knew she probably had inhalation injuries.  We quickly made the decision to intubate her, and I put a breathing tube in.  We got her stabilized and started arranging transport to Children's Hospital.  We had no names for either of the patients, so we would just have to wait to name our little Jane Doe.

About this time, a third victim from the fire was brought in.  We asked if they had a little girl.  They immediately started crying but could not give us a name.  Carbon monoxide poisoning from a fire can make you goofy and delirious which they were.  They became argumentative and refusing treatment, but it quickly became apparent that they were not breathing well and would quickly be needing to be intubated.

After a quick sign-out from the night team that had patiently waited while we stabilized the fire victims, I talked to the patient who was starting to complain of a sore throat.  I told them what I was about to do and got some feeling that they understood.  We sedated the patient and placed the breathing tube... three patients intubated and it wasn't even 0930.

Somewhere around here time started to speed up.  I know from time to time I asked if it was Sunday and was anyone going downstairs for coffee.  Seriously, it was a cold snowy day.  A Sunday.  Why were we so busy?

Things that also happened during my shift, sometimes at the same time or right after each other:
 - alcoholic who vomited a liter and half of blood and needed a blood transfusion and admission to the ICU
  - a patient who heard voiced telling them to stab themselves in the chest, so they did, and then ate kitty litter in an attempt to kill themselves, they also needed a breathing tube
 - a possible stroke that turned out to be worsening heart and kidney failure
 - a teenager shot while driving with a friend "minding their own business" who initially went to Children's and then needed to be transfered to us
 - a teenager who decided to drink and drive and had a head-on collision with another vehicle;  they and their passenger forgot to wear their seatbelts and both had head injuries
 - an older driver who should have known better and drove while under the influence.  They had a head-on collision too, with a tree.  Again, no seatbelt.  Again, major face trauma
 - a very sick elderly patient that was transferred from another hospital and brought in by the helicopter.  I'll have to see if they're still alive when I go in tomorrow

 - another patient "minding their own business" who was stopping at a convenience store and was shot;  they came in just at the end of my shift which just about rounded out my day.  I will find out in the morning what the extent of their injuries were.

Wow.  What a Sunday.  And, tomorrow is Monday;  traditionally the busiest day of the week.  I better get to sleep early and double set my alarms... I think being late starts the day off on the wrong foot... yeah, we'll blame it on that!


Patty E said...

Everytime someone says "It sure is quiet today" it is a sure bet that the shift will be overwhelming instead. Hate that word! Some days I feel like my shift is never going to end and others fly by so fast I never get a chance to think about getting a cup of coffee. Hope the fire victims do well. Patty E

betty said...

wow what a Sunday Veronica!! I'm sure you guys will be talking about this one for a bit! I hope the fire victims are doing okay. I do not know why people do not get the message "don't drink and drive" no matter what ages they are

one can only hope Monday does not follow the usual busy pattern and is not as stressful or busy


Lisa said...

I guess the memo wasn't sent about a day of rest huh. I am in awe of the person eating the kitty litter, I hope it wasn't used. And the alcoholic vomiting that much blood...that is horrible. Never a dull moment in your profession.

Claudia said...

In Pittsburgh we hear "I was minding my own business when these two dudes....."

What are there names? "I don't know, but I know where they live..."